
India's Bermuda Triangle.

The Bermuda Triangle (or) Devil’s Triangle

               Talking about the Bermuda triangle, which have positions held with the regions of the Florida, Puerto Rico and the Bermuda as the coordinates and later comprising the shape as a triangle hence named as Bermuda Triangle.

               But the difference between the India's Bermuda Triangle and this triangle is that, it had got an official tag for itself whereas the India’s still remained an unsolved mystery.

                Though Devil’s Triangle remained more complicated to be solved, but still the India’s Triangles are not much less as compared to that. Hence, there must be some notable things to get into a serious discussion. 

                India’s Bermuda Triangle reveals 3 known places, where incidents regarding deaths and missing cases had filed but just remained unresolved for certain circumstances. Those places includes :

1. Mayurbhanj, Odisha

2. India-Myanmar Border

3. Kullu Valley, Himachal Pradesh


                Have you ever thought of crashing of aircrafts at a particular point for number of times. This had really happened within the last 74 years at a place called Amardha Road in district of Mayurbhanj in Odisha. More than 16 planes crashed at the same point killing many people. From the records and investigations, Indian Air Force stated that most of the aircrafts are related to the defence establishment.

               Most of the planes had crashed during the World War 2, many of them related to British Airlines. Nearly all people killed during that time who were inside. Afterwards, in 1945, July  26 there happened the biggest crash till date that, 2 British Royal Air Force B-24 Liberator four-engine bombers, EW225 and EW247 collided at lower altitude.  

               Amardha road airfield also claims that more than 7 aircrafts that did take off from that region crashed in Bay of Bengal within the years of Independence. 


                  This is one of the well known mysterious places in India. This lake held as a part of Changlang district of Arunachal Pradesh(India) and also some part are there in Myanmar. Also the lake made visible from Pangsau Pass present at India-Myanmar border. 

                  The lake, for the first time ever had drew attention during world war 2, when number of US aircrafts that were passing by the lake crashed on their way near the lake. The second time happened a bit serious, when a group of Japanese soldiers lost their way and ended at the lake, where they had decided for a night halt. But, unfortunately they all were found dead next morning near the lake. Later, tests proved that the troop died of Malaria. Afterwards, US decided to assign a group of US Army to examine the lake. Again, each member of the group got trapped underwater and died.  

                 A road named 'Ledo Road' that crossed nearby the lake remained closed till 2007 and recently came into discussion about reopening of the way. But, the lake stands as the local Bermuda triangle for the inhabitants of that region who claims that the mystery still remained unsolved.


                  This place is not likely a mysterious place as anyone would be expecting. According to the Irish Times, this place is full of crimes that includes drug trafficking, murder, casual sex and many more.

                  Kullu Valley(or Parvati Valley) within the Himalayan range of Himachal Pradesh attracts tons of tourists from abroad, from which most of them are travellers or hickers. Each year they visit the place to appreciate the beautiness of the valley and to enjoy hicking. But, every humans that visits the place, not returns. Rather, we should say that, a few just vanishes. The cases remains unsolved, hence the place had got an unofficial tag as India’s Bermuda Triangle.

                  According to the ' Mysterious Himachal ' site, since 1992 and till date, more than 20 foreign tourists gone missing in that area. Only a few cases were traced but the rest remained unresolved till now. The main reason behind the mystery stands as a possibility of drug trafficking. From records,many visits the place in search of cannabis.

                  Lastly, I should say thay, the place, as India’s Bermuda Triangle is probable because a number of cases still remained unresolved and the mystery still leading it’s way in present time.


              Here comes the vital question that one should ask himself/herself after reading the content. However, the only reason that held behind the unsolved mysteries of the areas that I had mentioned above, not remains alike in every cases.

              Prevailing an official tag would not be easier as the events happening within the regions are not persisting for a similar frequency of time. But, the Kullu Valley's mystery remains a bit opposed in comparison with the Lake of No Return and the first one, as it appeared at recent discussion in 21st century, which may be the India’s Bermuda Triangle in future.

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